Creating a Beautiful World

Author: cowensart


Well over a year ago I began a new journal with my painting “Becoming” on the cover. I haven’t written much in the journal.


I think it is because “becoming” is such a slow process that it’s been difficult for me to write about it. I am who I am, unique, yet knowing there is more deeply within. And so, the surface doesn’t need changing; it’s the inner workings that need changing, the roots. This kind of “becoming” takes a LONG time to process and change. I firmly believe that the best progress is a slow and careful process, like the skills needed to become a surgeon or a painter. One doesn’t just jump from crayon drawings to a beautiful oil painting. It takes time.

That’s not to say that there haven’t been some surface changes. I am exercising more, eating more nourishing food, avoiding sugar (well, except at Christmas), meditating every day and drinking more water. These are just not exactly what I had in my mind when I started the journal.

My roots are deeply imbedded in the Gaelic culture with ages and ages of mythology and stories, of cultural musts and must nots, angers, resentments, oppression, and aggression. So, I follow one root toward its source and find myself in a rabbit hole. Gasping, I have to turn around and scurry back to the beauty and fresh air of what I have come to know as “my life.”

I am gaining some wisdom in this process, it’s just that I don’t have the words to reveal what I’ve learned. And, so, I paint, not to sell, but to reveal to myself something bubbling up. Perhaps someday there will be another painting that others will understand.

A Collaborative Adventure

Stretching our skills can seem a bit like jumping off of a cliff into a deep ocean. My paintings have been based on my travels and photographs. I do sincerely want to push the boundaries of what I can do with my oils. So, when a friend asked me to help her with some paintings for her book, I jumped, but just into a pool, not an ocean. It turned out to be so much fun that I want to do more, of course. Still, I am not averse to painting beautiful florals to brighten my own spirit and that of my friends and family.

The four paintings are all oils on canvas. All but the top left piece were based on a photograph and painted with my love for intense colors. My friend gave me her ideas for her inspirational card images, we discussed some visuals and, once she approved of my visuals, she gave me free reign. I am happy to say that she loves the final results. And I truly loved the experience!

From top left clockwise, they are titled by her:

“Perspective” 12″x12″ $180.00 plus shipping.
“Integrate/Release” 12″x12″ $180.00 plus shipping.
“I AM” 12″x12″ $180.00 plus shipping.
“Play” 12″x12″ $180.00 plus shipping.

The paintings are not released for shipping as yet because they are in the process of being duplicated and printed. You can contact me at if you are interested in purchasing one, or two. I take Square.

It’s Happening!

“She Carries the World” by Christine L. Owens, 18″x24″ oil, $450.00

At last, the date is arriving: the hanging of my one-woman show. I have been painting all year working towards this showing and am delighted to say that I am ready! Labels, prices and notifications are in the works, but what artist doesn’t relish the day of completion?

The Hayden City Hall, at 8930 N. Government Way, Hayden, Idaho, (208) 209-1082, invited me to show my artwork from October 1st, 2018 through December 28th, 2018! So, I gathered myself and created more colorful work to fill their halls. What an adventure! My blank cards and some jewelry will also be displayed for sale.

Some of my friends and buyers with actual addresses in my book will be getting a postcard of “She Carries the World” as a reminder to visit my Hayden City Hall show. If you’d like to be on my mailing list to receive the postcard, you can email me at I will send a postcard for as long as they last.

If you don’t live in the area, but are traveling through, please stop by to see the show before the year ends during regular business hours. I take all major credit cards. You’ll need to ask at the desk for my phone number as the office there cannot take payment.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement! Dreams do come true!

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